Kannur Rural Police, like other District police forces in Kerala, is headed by an officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police (District Police Chief ).Payyannur Taluk and major part of Thaliparmba and Iritty Taluk and small part of Thalassery Taluk, come under within the jurisdiction of Kannur Rural District Police. The District Police has 4 Sub Divisions, Viz. Thaliparamba, Payyannur, Iritty and Peravoor each headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police.In addition to this, various special units like Special Branch, DCRB, Narcotic Cell and Crime Dettachment headed by a Deputy Superintendent of Police are also functioning under the Superintendent of Police. A Vanitha Cell under a WCI is also functioning under the Supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police, Crime Detachment.